What are the value of text links?Saturday Sep 11, 2010
Text links are a key component to any business's SEO strategy. The reason they are so important is because the search engines measure the value of a Web site based on it content, how long the site has been around and who are linking to a Web site.
As such, it is really important to have quality links that are linking into your Web site. You don't want to have links coming in from spam filled directories or sites which talk about gambling, adult entertainment or more.
With this in mind, when you are building links, make sure to find sites of like-minded content. For example, if you are selling college t-shirts, than you would want to have links coming in from various college Web sites across the country, as this would be highly relevant to what your Web site is offering.
But, be careful as well. Take a look as the sites that are linking into you and make sure they have quality content and are not linking to poor quality sites. The same can be said with your own site. If you are going to be linking to other sites, than make sure the sites have a solid reputation.
Overall, link building is an essential part of any SEO strategy, but it is important to do your due diligence first before placing links on different Web sites.

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