Where does PR come from?Monday Apr 12, 2010
PageRank is derived from a myriad of factors including how long a site has been around, the sites linking into the respective Web site and how often the content is updated (to name a few). As such it is important to hit the ground running from day 1 of your Web site launch. You want to make sure that you build high quality and highly relevant text links to your Web site. Also, you want to make sure that you are an active contributor to your Web site's content on a regular basis.
A good way to build links right off the bat is by sending out a press release that gets indexed by the search engines, directories and other databases scattered throughout the Web. This may also lead to bloggers or news reporters actually writing about your Web site which can go a long way in helping your site become successful.
These are just a few thoughts. Feel free to add some of your own in the comments section.

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