Quality versus Quanity of text linksWednesday Feb 17, 2010
We often get asked the question of which is more important, quantity or quality of text links.
There is no right or wrong answer as it depends on your Web site, but generally we have found that quality of links seems to be the right formula.
So, what do we consider a quality link? A quality link is any link that appears naturally within a page of highly relevant content. An example, like I have mentioned before, is if I run a strawberry Web site and get my link posted on a fruit related site, this could be considered a quality link. And, if the page talks about strawberries than it would be even more relevant.
However, if the site was focused on construction work, than this might not be deemed a quality link, as there is little if any relationship between strawberries and construction.
We have seen cases where quantity of links works well for the short term, but in the long term you will most likely be better off with quality text links.

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